What is Destructive Testing and Non-Destructive Testing, Why is it preferred?
There is a need to obtain information about materials at every stage of production (Product Development, design, production, assembly, delivery, operation, maintenance, etc.).This service includes providing engineering services required for new construction projects to comply with design rules and legal regulations as well as production stages, maintenance of existing facilities.
Materials may cause structural defects according to the manufacturing methods (for metals; forging, rolling, tensile test, etc.) These can be fatigue cracks and corrosion cracks that are very difficult to visually inspect, or cracks formed during heat treatment or fabrication. Cracks reduce the strength of the material, but over time, the crack may progress to the surface and cause breakage. Such cracks cause sudden breaks in welded or non-welded steel and metal materials used in bridges, buildings, automotive industry.
Destructive and non-destructive inspection methods are important for increasing the quality of the materials produced, preventing the loss of life and property that may occur as a result of sudden breaks, increasing the quality and customer satisfaction.
Depending on the material, tests and inspections are required to obtain this information and for maintenance. It is possible to divide these tests and examinations into main groups.
Destructive Tests
Non-Destructive Tests
Advanced Technology Non-Destructive Testing Services
In today's technology, the perception of perfect personnel has left its place to the understanding of good, correct and systematic work, and a good and correct system is only possible thanks to teams of experienced personnel with a qualified management approach.
, we offer all test methods in a wide range from traditional to the most advanced technology, in accordance with the private sector, government, defense industry, international and local standards, specifications, rules and project specifications.Since the first day we were established, as the leader of the sector with our pioneering structure in destructive and non-destructive testing, etc., we continue to offer solutions to our customers with our competent and experienced team in technical support and engineering services. We are with you with our high-tech, high-quality equipment and trained and experienced teams, and we provide you with support in every matter.
Why work wıth an ACCREDITED company and ıs the importance of 17020 Accreditation?
What is Accreditation?
A third-party validation process for formal demonstration of competence to perform a specific conformity assessment task.
What is 17020 Accreditation?
This standard provides a uniform approach to assessing the competence of inspection bodies and their ability to provide independent and impartial service.
Why should we prefer an accredited organization?
Demonstrate technical competence, independence and impartiality.
Professional decision about the product or service inspected gives confidence to the interested parties.
Inspection activities may overlap with testing and certification activities when they have common trait. However, an important difference is; Many types of inspection require professional judgment in determining acceptability under general conditions. For this reason, the inspection body must have the necessary competence to complete its assignment .
we have the necessary competence and have always pioneered the firsts in our sector with our understanding of professionalism and our innovative attitude, and we have set ourselves the target of constantly progressing and developing.
Non-Destructive Tests
Non-destructive testing
is consist from the initials of the English word
. It is a type of inspection that is done without damaging the integrity of the material or part to be examined, and it got its name because of this feature.
Advantages of Non-Destructive Testing
It is easily and quickly applied to all manufactured parts and results.
Various non-destructive testing methods can be applied integrally to the same part, and reliable results are obtained with accurate data that complement each other.
All inspections that have been applied can be repeated after material repair according to the inspection result in a fast time.
Control can be provided while the part is in use.
By measuring the cumulative effect of the work of the part, information about the state of the material in operation can be obtained and accidents that may occur in the future can be intervened and prevented early.
The broken mechanism of the part is detected.
As for the disadvantages of non-destructive examinations;
The biggest disadvantage is misconstrual. The non-destructive testing method should be applied by expert operators with the necessary knowledge and experience, and the information obtained should be interpreted under this professionalism. The operator who will interpret the nondestructive testing method should not only know the Nondestructive Testing Method and its applications very well, but should also know about the controlled material, material production methods, and possible defects. The way to do this is not only through certified personnel, but also through experienced and qualified personnel
Intercon NDT
works with qualified, experienced and certified personnel who are experts in the field of inspection services.
In addition, another disadvantage depends on the devices used to create the data to be obtained. Truth and accurate information and results cannot be expected from examinations that cannot be performed with accurate and high-quality calibrated devices.
Intercon NDT
, we carry out our inspections through the leading and technologically advanced equipment in our field and the quality of which is proven and preferred by domestic and foreign countries. Our devices that we use at all inspection stages are realized by technological devices and equipment approved and certified by independent TURKAK accredited experiments and laboratories.
Why Nondestructive Testing Method ?
Product development studies to help research and development.
Identifiying error of design that the design engineer missed.
Control of delivered materials and determination and definition of material types
In production process tracking, improvement and control.
In determining whether special processes such as heat treatment are carried out appropriately or not.
To evaluate and confirm that the assembly is done in such a way as not to damage the material.
To determine the damages that may occur during use.
Collection of data obtained from various materials and processes to reveal an adequate product.
Non-destructive testing method is important in terms of maintaining the integrity of companies producing materials of matching (same) quality.
Non-Destructive Testing Usage Areas
Determination and evaluation of defect in part surface and volume.
Measuring material dimensions.
Determining the types of materials
Getting information about the material structure.
Detection of leaks (Leakage Tests)
Estimation of physical or mechanical properties
The Most Common Non-Destructive Testing Methods
Visual Inspection
Liquid Penetrant Inspection
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Ultrasonic Inspection
Eddy Current Inspection
Radiographic Inspection
Visual Inspection
It is the examination of the parameters affecting the quality such as discontinuities on the surface of a product, structural defects, surface condition, with or without an optical aid (such as a magnifying glass) etc. Although visual inspection seems to be a very simple method, it has its own subtleties. It is usually a study that must be performed before applying another non-destructive examination method. In cases where visual control is fall behind, other non-destructive examination methods are preferred.
Liquid Penetrant Inspection
It is paint inspection. Only indication opened on the outer surface of the material can be detected. Materials with rough surfaces are not subject to this examination. The process consists of five stages.
Pre-cleaning: it is done to clean impurities on the surface of the material; oil, dirt, corrode .
Penetrant: Penetrant liquid is sprayed on the surface and penetrates into the defect on the material surface with its penetrant characteristic.
Second cleaning: it is the cleaning process of excess red liquid (penetrant) on the surface of the material.
Developer application: it can be applied with dry or liquid solvent or spray. It moves through the crack, moving the liquid upwards.
Inspection: Fluorescent liquid is examined under visible light or UV light, depending on whether it is used.
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Only ferromagnetic (magnetized) materials can be inspection by this method. The part is magnetized. If the magnetic field is pulled over the soft iron, it will return to its original state. Even if the magnetic field is removed from carbon steels, polarization can continue for some time if there are cracks in the material. Magnetic field transversely, electrical field longitudinal indications can be detected.
Ultrasonic Inspection
This method mainly uses frequency values between 0.2 and 25 MHz. The material is alerted by very short ultrasonic pulse-waves. In this way, problems on or inside the surface of the material can be detected.
Ultrasonic Test is based on the principle of partial or complete reflection (echo) of the sound beam propagating in the material as a result of the change in acoustic impedance (resistance of a material against sound propagation).
It is generally applied on steel, metals and alloys, although not high definition. It can also be applied on wood and composite beton. This type of test, which does not change the structure of the materials, is also used in many sectors such as aviation, automotive and other transportation sectors.
we provide reliable and repeatable inspection results services with many methods and application techniques of ultrasonic inspection, from simple thickness measurement, corrosion mapping, automatic ultrasonic welding inspection, phased array inspection and ToFD inspection called advanced NDT. All our ultrasonic inspection services are performed according to the requirements of international standards and codes such as API, ASME, AWS, EN and ISO and we provide our services with years of experience and mastery with TURKAK 17020 accreditation.
Radiographic Inspection
Radiographic Inspection (RT) or industrial X-ray is the application of short wavelength electromagnetic radiation (high energy photons) to the material to find hidden defects. It is a method of controlling materials generally used to process various materials. Radiographic inspection is the most suitable non-destructive inspection method for detecting internal volumetric defects that create density difference with the base material.
Penetrating radiation(short wavelength) is used in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) method. The image recorded on film is actually a shadow image of the test material.
An X-ray equipment or a radioactive source (IR-192, Co-60 or Se75) may be used. There is also a type of radiological test called neutron radiological test (NR), in which neutrons are used instead of photons. Because neutrons can easily pass through lead and steel, but are stopped by plastic, water and oil. Different details can be observed due to X-rays.
The quantity of radiation coming out of the back of the material can be detected and measured.Variations in radiation density can be commented on the thickness or composition of the material.
According to the demands of our customers, as
, conventional radiography films are digitized for ease of archiving and delivered to our customers in electronic environment, and we give privileges to our customers with a different perspective. Because at
customer-oriented thinking and customer satisfaction are prioritized.
Eddy-Current Inspection
Eddy currents (Eddy-Current) method is a suitable method for determining surface and near-surface discontinuities (defects) and can be applied to all metals and alloys with electrical conductivity. No further preparation is required and geometrically difficult surfaces can be inspected. Using this method, it is possible to measure cracks, corrosion, paint or coating thickness on a conductive material, and conductivity measurement. Test equipments are portable, provide immediate feedback, and do not require equipment contact with the material. Eddy-current testing uses electromagnetic induction to detect problems in conductive material. There are many limitations to the test. These are only conductive material can be tested, the surface of the material must be accessible, the finish of the material may cause poor values, the depth of penetration into the material is limited by the conductivity of the material, and defects parallel to the test direction may not be detected.
Acoustic Emission
Acoustic Emission (AE) is defined as the events in which one or more local sources rapidly release energy and produce temporary elastic waves in materials under stress and the temporary elastic waves formed in this way. All solid materials have a certain elasticity; they dilatation or compress under external forces, and when the force is removed they come back like a spring. The greater the force, and thus the elastic deformation, the greater the elastic energy. If the elastic limit is exceeded, fracture or cracking may consist. This consists immediately in brittle materials and after a certain plastic deformation in other materials. If there is an defects such as cavity or inclusions in the elastically expanded material, cracks occur at these highly stressed points and loosen by a rapid dislocation, turn out the material energy. The serial release of elastic energy is called Acoustic Emission. AE produces an elastic wave, this wave propagating in the material can be analyzed with suitable sensors. Acoustic emission detects its movement, while other non-destructive testing methods detect the geometric shape of defects. Acoustic emission can perform the integrity control of the structure with a single test without regional scanning. Access to all inspection area is not required. AE is an advantageous method compared to other non-destructive testing methods, especially in applications in underground storage tanks with difficult access.
Magnetic Flux Leakage Inspection
It is a magnetic nondestructive testing method used to detect corrosion and pitting in steel structures, including pipelines and storage tanks. The MFL technique provides cost-effective and high-speed inspection of tank floors. A map of the corroded areas is provided with the MFL method and this information provides future reference for tanks and piping lines.
With the MFL method of all tank bottom sheets by
Intercon NDT
, corrosion areas on the product side and the soil side can be detected professionally, quickly and reliably. In addition, we successfully use the MFL technique in the detection of corroded areas in tank freezes and piping systems.
Advanced Nondestructive Testing Services
Advanced non-destructive testing gives faster and more true results than conventional non-destructive testing methods. Can be used for weld inspections, crack and flaw detection, thickness measurements and corrosion inspections. Due to the detailed visualization of defect size, shape, depth and direction, advanced technology ndt may be preferred over radiographic Inspection and conventional UT methods due to the absence of radiation hazard. Although these inspection methods are often referred to together, they are two technically independent inspection methods. It is used together as complementary inspection methods in many applications.
A TOFD system includes a pair of ultrasonic probes on opposite sides of a weld. The probes transmits an ultrasonic pulse, which is received by the transmitter and the receiver on the other. In undamaged pipes, the signals received by the receiving probe come from two waves: one propagating along the surface and the other reflecting off the back wall. When there is a crack, there is diffraction of the ultrasonic wave from the tip(s) of the crack. Using the measured flight time of the pulse, the depth of a crack tips can be calculated automatically with basic trigonometry.
In traditional UT testing, a single transducer sends ultrasonic sound waves into the material. In Phased Array probes, multiple transducers transmit sound waves into the material. By applying a delay between the sound pulses sent by each transducer, the beam angle, focal point of the generated wavefront can be determined. This makes Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing a multi-directional method that can be used for complex geometries.
Provides its
examination services by expert and experienced Level-II and ARAMCO, CHEVRON approved Level – III staff.
is a non-destructive testing company the best in service with dozens of calibration blocks, wide range of probes, wedges, scanners, software and successfully completed challenging project.
Leek Test&Vacuum Test (LT&Vacuum Tests)
Helium is used in the leak test, which allows leak detection in closed systems. It is detected by Helium gas probes placed on the other suitable side of the system filled with helium gas. In basic systems, the detection is made by moving the hand type detector over the surface around the gas filled container.The area that has been locally wetted with test fluid and placed under vacuum is examined for visual evidence of leakage (bubble).
Underwater NDT Services
Underwater Thickness Measurement;
In some underwater corrosion inspection applications, the application is in the form of thickness measurement in the underwater support piles and the underwater parts of the above water structures. Some applications require working in a deeper water environment.
has a very good application and evaluation experience in underwater thickness measurements, and has thickness gauges having a special probe and cable that can be used in both shallow and deep water.
Underwater Visual Inspection
There are three types of underwater visual inspection, general visual inspection, close visual inspection and detailed visual inspection.
General visual inspection does not require cleaning, can be performed with diver or ROV. Close and Detailed Visual Inspections require wire brushes, high-pressure water jets and levels of cleaning up to underwater blasting. These two types of inspection allow the diver to collect data on damages such as thickness measurement, pitting corrosion, abrasion. This level of cleaning also allows cathodic protection, underwater eddy currents and underwater magnetic particle testing.
can carry out underwater visual inspections with diver, ROV & Underwater Drones.
Underwater Magnetic Particle Testing
This inspection system is a magnetic particle test, which the diver can apply in deep water, shallow waters and tidal waters. The 12-volt rechargeable battery operated DC current hand yoke is tested using a high-intensity UV light source. For inspection equipment the diver does not need a hose connection with the surface. Alternatively, the magnetic particle inspection medium (test liquid) is delivered to the underwater by pressure equipment, which control by diver and magnetic particle inspection equipment via the surface. In this method, the magnetic particle liquid carrier, spray system and ultraviolet light are integrated.
Destructive Tests
It covers the tests using test pieces prepared with the sample taken from the material. (Example: Tensile Test, Bending Test, Charpy Impact Test, etc.)
has a wide range of services in destructive testing. Determining the mechanical properties of materials with accurate results is of great importance for the reliability of the equipment.
performs examinations such as tensile, charpy ımpact test , crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), bending, hardness, nut peel test, hardness distribution, micro and macro structure according to international standards. Destructive inspections, which are the requirements of welding method testing and welder tests, are carried out in accordance with standards such as ASME, AWS, API, EN ISO.
So what are these destructive tests and why are they preferred?
Tensile Test
It is the basic mechanical test you can do on a material. A tensile force is applied to a sample taken from the material to be used on the same axis until it breaks. From the results, it can be understood how materials selection, quality control and how materials will thrust to other forces in any application.
Data Obtained by Tensile Test
Maximum tensile stress
Maximum elongation
Reductions in the area
From these parameter, the characteristics of the material such as Young's factor, Poisson's ratio, yield strain hardening can be obtained.
Bend Test
It is defined as the behavior of materials against bending forces. The deformation that occurs when a force is applied to the middle of the rectangular or round section test specimen placed on two objects is called bending. This test applies to all product forms of metallic materials with welded joints made by any fusion arc welding process. The side bend test can be applied when the material wall thickness is more than 12 mm.The maximum bending stress value acting during fracture gives the flexural strength or flexural strength of the sample.
Charpy Impact Test
The purpose of the charpy impact test is to determine the resistance of the material against dynamic stresses by artificially forming a stress accumulation that will probably be present in the material at the bottom of the charpy during impact. The samples used for this can be notched or unnotched.
Information obtained by testing
Metallic materials under dynamic stresses;
The amount of energy required for breaking
Detection of Ductile – Brittle transition temperature
Hardness Test
Hardness can be defined as the resistance of the material surface to permanent deformation. The most general test on materials is the measurement of hardness. The main reason for this is that the experiment is simple and less destructive than the others. Another advantage is that there is a parallel relationship between the hardness of a material and other mechanical properties. For example, in steels, tensile strength is directly proportional to hardness; therefore, it is possible to get an idea about the strength of the material as a result of simple hardness measurement.It should be kept in mind that hardness is a test based on experience and not a material property. Therefore, there are many hardness tests available that will offer a different hardness value for the same piece of material.
Applied Hardness Test methods
Brinell Hardness measurement method
Rockwell Hardness measurement method
Vickers Hardness measurement method
Micro – Hardness measurement method
Refraction Test
It is the inspection of the broken surfaces by ensuring that the test specimens extracted from the welded joints of at least 2 mm thickness are broken from the weld metal. This test method is performed to obtain information about the types, sizes and distributions of internal defects on the fracture surfaces given below.
Lack of fusion
Lack of penetration
Solid inclusions
Macro Analysis
It is the examination of the etched or unetched test specimen with the naked eye or at a minimal magnification. Metallography is the key method in weld quality control. When describing the weld macrostructure, three different structures are meant, such as the metal, the heat affected zone, and the original metal.In the images taken;Pores, Inclusions, Cracks in the investigated area, Lack of Fusion and Lack of Penetration in welded joints are obtained.
Nut Strength Test
The most important connecting parts of steel structures are anchors, bolts and nuts. Thread stripping (proof load) tests are performed on the nuts of these structural elements. Nuts are ubiquitous as important fasteners. They provide for the construction of vehicles and buildings, as well as devices and systems. The integrity of bolts and nuts is extremely important as mechanical stresses are concentrated at such attachment points. Therefore, they are subject to stringent security requirements.
Heat Treatment
Depending on the phase diagrams of metals and their alloys, obtaining the desired mechanical properties and internal structures with different processes applied at temperatures below the melting temperature is called heat treatment. This method is frequently applied especially for the strength increasing processes of steels.
provides direct on-site heat treatment services with portable heat treatment machines or high speed burner systems. Basically, there are two main heat treatment applications. It is in the form of pre-heating and post-welding stress relief before and during the welding process. The need for preheating and stress relief depends on the metallurgical structure of the material, its thickness and the usage environment within the framework of the relevant standards and codes.
We provide heat treatment services for pipelines, pressure vessels and boilers, mobile heat treatment equipment suitable for various other productions, using heat treatment procedures prepared in accordance with the relevant standards and codes.
API Services
Storage tanks are one of the most critical equipment of refineries, petrochemicals, chemical facilities, oil filling facilities, etc.
API 653 Standard
Similar to the coastal regulation, the API 653 standard requires that the tanks be inspected at most every 5 years while they are in operation.
STI-SP001 Standard
The STI-SP001 standard divides the tanks into 3 categories, taking into account the following parameters. tank diameter,
Tank material (steel, stainless, plastic)
Tank height,
Tank volume
Stored product,
Product temperature
Storage pressure
Method of joining the plates (welded, rivet),
Production method (on site-workshop)
Corrosion rate
Method Applied
First of all, according to which standard the tanks should be inspected, API 653 or STI SP001, should be determined.
According to the STI SP001 standard, it should be determined which of the 3 categories the tanks will be inspected and inspected.
Inspection and inspection plan of all tanks should be prepared.
According to the thickness measurement results taken from the tank, the calculations specified in the API report are as follows:
Corrosion Rate
Corrosion Allowance
Theoretical Life Calculation
Maximum fill level
Date of next inspection
Tanks are classified according to their risk classes.
Risk classifications are indicated with color codes on the tank farm drawing.
What Are The Scope Of Our API Training Services?
API 653, 570, 510 Trainings
provides API 653, 570, 510 trainings in two different contexts as information training and certification exam preparation training. Information training is given by
to groups of minimum 5 people and maximum 12 people upon request. One of the most basic aims of education is to dominate the standard. Only the standard is used as a training note in information training. Information training for each code is organized as 2-3 day programs. Certification training, on the other hand, is an uninterrupted training including 8.5-day weekends. Standards and special training notes are used as training grades in certification trainings. During the training, sample exam questions are solved at the end of each subject and practice exams are held. It is a busy schedule, including evening assignments.